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Showing posts from August, 2008

My Bleeding Kitten

I arrived here in my hometown this morning. Had a regular check up at the family clinic. BP and sugar was ok. Weight not OK. Yep, been putting gym routine at the lowest priority does really mean i cant cut down my weight. When i got at home, normally id go to my aunts house, just beside our lot. To get the kittens come out of the cage. I was laughing when i saw Lulu was actually lie on their scratching post and was actually hugging it. But when she woke up, and went to drink the water, i saw her eye. The left eye. It was horrible. She looked so much in pain :( And so were Bobo and Danny.. Bell was ok. She looked pretty much healthy but kept sneezing. Bobo was usually active and could not stop playing now keeping himself at one place. :( So sad. Later i went out to my cousin's wedding and back home, There i found Lulu's eye was already bleeding. She couldnt meow and refused to eat her treats and it was bleeding as tears running down my eyes to see her misery :( And i cant make i...

I Love ME

Sometimes the editor do talk about themselves in the editorial page, don't they? :D Well, its just me. Cant help it when life is so colorful, i feel like to write down about it. Then, just excuse me. Now, how do i start? I just hope i wont be too physical about it. Or rather so emotional about it. But yes in this current time I am happy. Having a nice friends around me, having the one i fond of back to me. Why shouldn't i be one? ;) Even when I went for my cousin's wedding last Saturday I was not as depressed as I thought I could be. Maybe cause i keep imagine mine is next? And i kinda know who I am goin to spend my life with? And i keep having him around me, having him around my uncles and my dad and my cousins when they teasing me while i was making them the coffee they asked for? My Chu Yee told me he will be around for a week if its my wedding next time. I was laughing. I wasn't depressed like usual when they asked, or they teased. Cause I believed they actually pra...