I have hard times to sleep early on Friday nite. Not becuz of routine, its just that my body is used to it. Friday nite usually is my coffee nite. So it kinda make me awake and not so sleepy although I know my body is already so very tired.
Today I went for a coffee with my sis. Well kinda like our first alone at last. Since the big emo tragedy I went out with her like few times but those were grocery days and we didn't talk at all. So when she finally came to her senses, I went out with her together with the whole families, or with Ma or Ijai. Last few weeks, three of us went out for 2nd round of Avengers and that was the 1st time I saw she played jokes with our brother I almost to cry.
So today around 5pm I had no mood to work already. My sis bbm me if I wanna go lepak in Pavi. I said dunno yet - felt like goin to KLCC though. So she said she wud go there - so I said ok I'd be there by 6pm. Her battery went flat and my PM asked me to join a walkthrough around 530. I said I'm sorry I had plan already. So I got off to KLCC and was walking alone until I realized mr H was beside me. Chow said she saw Mr H walked behind me like a stalker hahah yeeeaaahhh!
He asked where would we go :@ I didn't say anything. So went to KLCC my sis waited at starbucks and she gave me the bday gift. It was a set of jewellery with butterfly theme :) I had so many butterfliesss! Then she said she wanted to eat bibim bap. So we tried the koryo-won. I had the dol sat bibim bap and she got this rice cake thingy. I love the beef though!
She talks kpop the whole time and even asked me if I wanna join her to go to korea. I was like nah - ill save for japan and europe. I'm not into korea so much except the kim chi and gg.
Owh yeah - had a phone call for phone interview next week. Hope ill nail it.
xoxo - amylia
( I had a sprinkle of rainbow ^-^ )
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Today I went for a coffee with my sis. Well kinda like our first alone at last. Since the big emo tragedy I went out with her like few times but those were grocery days and we didn't talk at all. So when she finally came to her senses, I went out with her together with the whole families, or with Ma or Ijai. Last few weeks, three of us went out for 2nd round of Avengers and that was the 1st time I saw she played jokes with our brother I almost to cry.
So today around 5pm I had no mood to work already. My sis bbm me if I wanna go lepak in Pavi. I said dunno yet - felt like goin to KLCC though. So she said she wud go there - so I said ok I'd be there by 6pm. Her battery went flat and my PM asked me to join a walkthrough around 530. I said I'm sorry I had plan already. So I got off to KLCC and was walking alone until I realized mr H was beside me. Chow said she saw Mr H walked behind me like a stalker hahah yeeeaaahhh!
He asked where would we go :@ I didn't say anything. So went to KLCC my sis waited at starbucks and she gave me the bday gift. It was a set of jewellery with butterfly theme :) I had so many butterfliesss! Then she said she wanted to eat bibim bap. So we tried the koryo-won. I had the dol sat bibim bap and she got this rice cake thingy. I love the beef though!
She talks kpop the whole time and even asked me if I wanna join her to go to korea. I was like nah - ill save for japan and europe. I'm not into korea so much except the kim chi and gg.
Owh yeah - had a phone call for phone interview next week. Hope ill nail it.
xoxo - amylia
( I had a sprinkle of rainbow ^-^ )
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone