Office has been very very boring lately. My fave senior already told me about his resignation and things that made him not feeling good. Yes i admit, i was influenced a bit and it makes things so suck.
and i have no friends there and users are all stupid dumb dumb.
urgh!!!! y la im in this business????
i was sms-ing zed today and told him that i wanna see him again. he said he felt the same. yipeee :) we sure have lots of fun the next time. like what being on our own lappie and chat on ym with our feet playing with each other hahahaha he loves rubbing my feet. weird.
the gfs all said zed is a sweet guy when i think gosh we're just frends lah!
anyway today is zai b-day so me and zaw treated her at KLCC Chilis. I had country fried chicken ... i felt like throwing out. I was so full!
no food untill Friday!!!
Hushgirl currently listening to : Lagu Kita | Aizat | Percubaan Pertama
and i have no friends there and users are all stupid dumb dumb.
urgh!!!! y la im in this business????
i was sms-ing zed today and told him that i wanna see him again. he said he felt the same. yipeee :) we sure have lots of fun the next time. like what being on our own lappie and chat on ym with our feet playing with each other hahahaha he loves rubbing my feet. weird.
the gfs all said zed is a sweet guy when i think gosh we're just frends lah!
anyway today is zai b-day so me and zaw treated her at KLCC Chilis. I had country fried chicken ... i felt like throwing out. I was so full!
no food untill Friday!!!
Hushgirl currently listening to : Lagu Kita | Aizat | Percubaan Pertama