Of course I guess by now, Jamiroquai is so synonym with Malaysian GrandPrix, as the band will be performing in Post-Race party. As a true fan of Jamiroquai, I feel like going but not too excited to go. Maybe i'll skip it
But.. damn ive waited years for this. Jamiroquai's concert is one of the to-do list before my death :P huhuhu ok la to-do list before getting old :P hahahah
Still, if i feel like goin later, i will :) U know me. its all last minute decision hahahah
Dun feel like writing now, catcha later!
Hushgirl currently listening to : Cosmic girl | Jamiroquai | Travelling without Moving
But.. damn ive waited years for this. Jamiroquai's concert is one of the to-do list before my death :P huhuhu ok la to-do list before getting old :P hahahah
Still, if i feel like goin later, i will :) U know me. its all last minute decision hahahah
Dun feel like writing now, catcha later!
Hushgirl currently listening to : Cosmic girl | Jamiroquai | Travelling without Moving