What a day!!!
Actually the suspense for Today started yesterday. Around 530 pm I've been told that something wrong with the credit card auto payment program. Damn!!!! It was OK ever since I amended it. But well, the amendment didnt cater the root cause itself. No one knows what is it actually.
So, there were some duplication and my biz user was a bit of a strict kinda person. Although sometimes he backed me up a bit, still.....
And this morning I went to the office a bit earlier than usual, and he was the first guy I talked to. Hurgh... And yes I did some investigation and research still I dunno what was the problem.
Around 3pm, we were supposed to have a meeting. My superior asked me and yes I was so stupid I didnt come out with anything. I really have no idea. So he did some testing and investigation. Since his experience is obviously more than I got, though he didnt find any root cause but he did come out with something. The twisted opinion. Then we went to the meeting and damn my crush was there!
I didnt know my crush is a manager of my business user. Whoa embarrassed a bit but tried to control my blush. He was actually smiled to himself when he saw me walked in. And from time to time, when he explained and I was looking at him, he was having this unusual smile. Like he was shy at me. wtf. Did I used to look at him that obvious? Or he hates me? yes? no?
Well, doesnt matter. The duplication error could be cleanse and I got a moment of my life when I helped my superior to do some coding in front of my biz user. Well, I feel honored a bit but still have to learn lotsa thing about the business rules. And that is so TOUGH!!!
I just hope my biz user knew that I still have a lot to learn. This is major. and I wasnt exposed. My old company has a brief operations while, this is huge. And now, I am the only one doing the pl/sql - back end for the current system.
Well.. I dunno. I just hope I could have more patient. I dunno what job should I be into. I was thinking a travel guide? :D I was actually having a nice time blogging about my travel in Starbucks recently. Feel like in a job. Mobile. Travel. Blog.
Must be the same feeling Perez Hilton has.
Well, I dun really like to talk about people. Well, I mean for my blog :D
And maybe restricted to some people I fond of Hahahahahah
Skipped gym today. Went back and stalked by this drunken Indian. Fucker betul. I was shivering to my feet. Gosh, dun wanna stay back in the Office anymore.
Hushgirl currently listening to : Stand Inside Your Life | Smashing Pumpkins| Machina
Actually the suspense for Today started yesterday. Around 530 pm I've been told that something wrong with the credit card auto payment program. Damn!!!! It was OK ever since I amended it. But well, the amendment didnt cater the root cause itself. No one knows what is it actually.
So, there were some duplication and my biz user was a bit of a strict kinda person. Although sometimes he backed me up a bit, still.....
And this morning I went to the office a bit earlier than usual, and he was the first guy I talked to. Hurgh... And yes I did some investigation and research still I dunno what was the problem.
Around 3pm, we were supposed to have a meeting. My superior asked me and yes I was so stupid I didnt come out with anything. I really have no idea. So he did some testing and investigation. Since his experience is obviously more than I got, though he didnt find any root cause but he did come out with something. The twisted opinion. Then we went to the meeting and damn my crush was there!
I didnt know my crush is a manager of my business user. Whoa embarrassed a bit but tried to control my blush. He was actually smiled to himself when he saw me walked in. And from time to time, when he explained and I was looking at him, he was having this unusual smile. Like he was shy at me. wtf. Did I used to look at him that obvious? Or he hates me? yes? no?
Well, doesnt matter. The duplication error could be cleanse and I got a moment of my life when I helped my superior to do some coding in front of my biz user. Well, I feel honored a bit but still have to learn lotsa thing about the business rules. And that is so TOUGH!!!
I just hope my biz user knew that I still have a lot to learn. This is major. and I wasnt exposed. My old company has a brief operations while, this is huge. And now, I am the only one doing the pl/sql - back end for the current system.
Well.. I dunno. I just hope I could have more patient. I dunno what job should I be into. I was thinking a travel guide? :D I was actually having a nice time blogging about my travel in Starbucks recently. Feel like in a job. Mobile. Travel. Blog.
Must be the same feeling Perez Hilton has.
Well, I dun really like to talk about people. Well, I mean for my blog :D
And maybe restricted to some people I fond of Hahahahahah
Skipped gym today. Went back and stalked by this drunken Indian. Fucker betul. I was shivering to my feet. Gosh, dun wanna stay back in the Office anymore.
Hushgirl currently listening to : Stand Inside Your Life | Smashing Pumpkins| Machina