Me and the ladies (ex-colleagues) were gossiping about this guy.. a young manager at my ex-company.. Well a romeo who finally will tie a knot with a mysterious girl. Why we eager to know?
Cuz he is a romeo and ok, imagine a company of 15 levels building. He has a scandal with a girl at each levels. :) OK im exaggerating...
But sorta lah...
Since the mysterious girl was on his facebook, I was forcing myself to login into my fb. And of cuz la, cant help to say hi to couple of frens and tried some quizzes.. well... fb is something.
And I left some thing at Nabil's profile. I was such a fool!!!
Stupid stupid amy. always trying to make amends when the other party dont even care if I still alive or dead! Urgh...
I really hate myself for being such an angelic and forgiver and too believ in make love not wars. People dont care AMy!
hmm since my life just sucks, we let it be for a sec.
Breathe in....
Hushgirl likes <3 Majolica Majorca Pressed Pore Cover. Available in Watsons. RM 69.90 / RM 44.90 (refill)
Majolica Majorca

Abg Brandon with office hair cut. Yucks!
Hushgirl currently listening to : Desire | Blank and Jones| Cafe Del Mar Vol 9
Cuz he is a romeo and ok, imagine a company of 15 levels building. He has a scandal with a girl at each levels. :) OK im exaggerating...
But sorta lah...
Since the mysterious girl was on his facebook, I was forcing myself to login into my fb. And of cuz la, cant help to say hi to couple of frens and tried some quizzes.. well... fb is something.
And I left some thing at Nabil's profile. I was such a fool!!!
Stupid stupid amy. always trying to make amends when the other party dont even care if I still alive or dead! Urgh...
I really hate myself for being such an angelic and forgiver and too believ in make love not wars. People dont care AMy!
hmm since my life just sucks, we let it be for a sec.
Breathe in....
Hushgirl likes <3 Majolica Majorca Pressed Pore Cover. Available in Watsons. RM 69.90 / RM 44.90 (refill)
Majolica Majorca

Abg Brandon with office hair cut. Yucks!
Hushgirl currently listening to : Desire | Blank and Jones| Cafe Del Mar Vol 9