Huhu skipped gym again. Gosh.. when will I Insaf? I have no idea. I was planning to go actually but I had this quarterly briefing in the Office and had some feast around 6pm. When the tummy was so full, I dun feel like goin exercising. maybe Tomorrow..
Geez.. butt lazy and still complaining about the huuuge arms :D
okie, the title above has nothing to do with this entry.
First of all, who wants to go to Luna Bar with me? We will be moonwalk dancing :D
aHH.. no, tomorrow is my dad birthday, goin back to Bentong on saturday and back to KL on sunday. Cant go to Luna Bar this Saturday nite. Moreover, I dun have clubbing kaki anymore. And tried so hard from the Bar, tried to be good :D huhu I was actually startled by this news about a travel model who got caught and sentenced to whipping for drinking alcohol. Hmmm..
hmmm. im not goin to talk more on that, its not fair when we scared of the world punsihment when we ignored the hereafter punishment right.. well not to be hypocrite here, so lets just ignore the news.
I just had my Diet Coke. Ok now whats the relation? :D Haha nah, when I got out from the Office, I contacted Zai if she wanna hangout, sad to know she is already at home. Nadiah was having a big Iftar somewhere in Mid Valley, So I went to The Mall just to loaf around. I went to Cold Storage and check out stuff, shelf by shelf. There are so many options for Jalapeno, and cheese and frozen food and yes, I saw a nice Starbucks Ice Cream. There are Java Chip, my fave Caramel Macchiato and many more!
But I didnt buy. :D Its expensive and I'm supposed to watch my calorie/sugar intake :D So I bought Coke for my sister, Diet Coke for me ( just for a little craving ) and Dutch Lady Choc Milk - the major craving!!
And I just had the Diet Coke!! Huhu and on the rocks, it was so so much better than the original coke i Must say. :D The bitterness is sweetness. Ok now im being freak.
Today has been a nice day for me. Started with my annoying alarm sound, although it was actually one of the Incubus song :D The alarm was set to 6:45 am, and it was snoozing until 7. huhu and I took the hp and set the alarm to 730 :D huahuahauhau The hp was actually 15 mins earlier, so I wasnt that late.
And yessssss Something exciting happened on the LRT :D When I got my butt on the seat, I saw my old LRT crush. He is just a guy, who stay in my apartment and he is this Tall, very groomed guy. We bumped into each other since i worked in PJ, then KLCC and since I worked in Masjid Jamek, I never saw him. Only 1 time in KLCC. He is this.. I dunno, maybe a real Metrosexual guy. My sister told me he could be a gay but I dun mind, he is just an eye candy.. nothing more than that. Only that when he turned away, ( mostly his face will be opposite with mine ), I looked at his lipss. He got this very very very sexy lips. Full and thick and sexy and full and thick and yummy :D Just a naughty thought. He could be a good kisser. Hu hu then when we walked out of the tren, he was walking behind me and gosh I feel secured! I just love tall guy!
Ahh... too much information. Im goin to watch the IT Crowd now. Aunt Irma visiting AGAIN! :D
This is my lips. Swollen. No, One day I woke up from sleep and this is how they look like. Nasty.
Hushgirl currently listening to : Becinta | Faizal Tahir
Geez.. butt lazy and still complaining about the huuuge arms :D
okie, the title above has nothing to do with this entry.
First of all, who wants to go to Luna Bar with me? We will be moonwalk dancing :D
aHH.. no, tomorrow is my dad birthday, goin back to Bentong on saturday and back to KL on sunday. Cant go to Luna Bar this Saturday nite. Moreover, I dun have clubbing kaki anymore. And tried so hard from the Bar, tried to be good :D huhu I was actually startled by this news about a travel model who got caught and sentenced to whipping for drinking alcohol. Hmmm..
hmmm. im not goin to talk more on that, its not fair when we scared of the world punsihment when we ignored the hereafter punishment right.. well not to be hypocrite here, so lets just ignore the news.
I just had my Diet Coke. Ok now whats the relation? :D Haha nah, when I got out from the Office, I contacted Zai if she wanna hangout, sad to know she is already at home. Nadiah was having a big Iftar somewhere in Mid Valley, So I went to The Mall just to loaf around. I went to Cold Storage and check out stuff, shelf by shelf. There are so many options for Jalapeno, and cheese and frozen food and yes, I saw a nice Starbucks Ice Cream. There are Java Chip, my fave Caramel Macchiato and many more!
But I didnt buy. :D Its expensive and I'm supposed to watch my calorie/sugar intake :D So I bought Coke for my sister, Diet Coke for me ( just for a little craving ) and Dutch Lady Choc Milk - the major craving!!
And I just had the Diet Coke!! Huhu and on the rocks, it was so so much better than the original coke i Must say. :D The bitterness is sweetness. Ok now im being freak.
Today has been a nice day for me. Started with my annoying alarm sound, although it was actually one of the Incubus song :D The alarm was set to 6:45 am, and it was snoozing until 7. huhu and I took the hp and set the alarm to 730 :D huahuahauhau The hp was actually 15 mins earlier, so I wasnt that late.
And yessssss Something exciting happened on the LRT :D When I got my butt on the seat, I saw my old LRT crush. He is just a guy, who stay in my apartment and he is this Tall, very groomed guy. We bumped into each other since i worked in PJ, then KLCC and since I worked in Masjid Jamek, I never saw him. Only 1 time in KLCC. He is this.. I dunno, maybe a real Metrosexual guy. My sister told me he could be a gay but I dun mind, he is just an eye candy.. nothing more than that. Only that when he turned away, ( mostly his face will be opposite with mine ), I looked at his lipss. He got this very very very sexy lips. Full and thick and sexy and full and thick and yummy :D Just a naughty thought. He could be a good kisser. Hu hu then when we walked out of the tren, he was walking behind me and gosh I feel secured! I just love tall guy!
Ahh... too much information. Im goin to watch the IT Crowd now. Aunt Irma visiting AGAIN! :D
Hushgirl currently listening to : Becinta | Faizal Tahir