I could simply swear that I did written a blog entry after Subuh today and save it as draft. But I have no idea of why it actually gone now!!
Now I need to re-write but you know it wont be the same again. Yes.
I just got back in KL, after a 3-day weekend in Bentong. At first I was thinking to lepak in KL and having my parents to come here and do some window shopping =) But the li'l sis was having the weekend off, so I drove back to Bentong on Saturday morning. And got back in KL and went to Wangsa Maju for the 1st time though :D huhu
So how's your Ramadhan.. I know mine was different this year and forever years in the future. Anyway, I hope and pray it would be better though.. and well, I always hope to be close to God and so far.. it was OK :) Hopefully it would last.
This morning after Sahur I went talking to my Grandma (mom side) cuz she will be back to Raub and dunno when will I see her again. When I kissed her hand and said Good bye, she still held my hand and said when will I get married? She wants it soon so she could have time to watch her 1st granddaughter to get married. Whoa... a dilemma!! Now I feel so old! :D
I just smiled like usual. And say, I dunno.. maybe? Later.. haha Owh gosh, now I know what it feels like to some people who the parents kept asking them to get married. Its a pressure..
Well, marriage is not in my dictionary yet but well.. wey, its a life partner we are talking about. The one you live until you die, the one u get married and married to his family as well, the one who will read bedtime stories to your kids.. the one you will love forever and ever.. Of course it took time to find! :D
Moreover, my aunt just talked about her daughters and their men.. and its kinda scary. Cuz sometimes we know that reality bites and it hurts.
So its 10th Ramadhan today.. another 20 to go and 4 Syawal before Bali. :) I wear my old dress today and it fits!!! Even though I ate like a big fat pig, it still fits! And I barely see my tummy wakakakaka LOve it! I just need to work out my big fat arms. Gosh!!! How hard to be a woman hahaha
Well its gonna be a lovely Iftar today, me, li'l Bro and li'l Sis.. maybe Kak Linda will come and join us. Well then, Happy Merdeka, Malaysia. (Not much to talk about Malaysian Independence, though..)

Hushgirl currently listening to : if I were a Boy | Beyonce
I could simply swear that I did written a blog entry after Subuh today and save it as draft. But I have no idea of why it actually gone now!!
Now I need to re-write but you know it wont be the same again. Yes.
I just got back in KL, after a 3-day weekend in Bentong. At first I was thinking to lepak in KL and having my parents to come here and do some window shopping =) But the li'l sis was having the weekend off, so I drove back to Bentong on Saturday morning. And got back in KL and went to Wangsa Maju for the 1st time though :D huhu
So how's your Ramadhan.. I know mine was different this year and forever years in the future. Anyway, I hope and pray it would be better though.. and well, I always hope to be close to God and so far.. it was OK :) Hopefully it would last.
This morning after Sahur I went talking to my Grandma (mom side) cuz she will be back to Raub and dunno when will I see her again. When I kissed her hand and said Good bye, she still held my hand and said when will I get married? She wants it soon so she could have time to watch her 1st granddaughter to get married. Whoa... a dilemma!! Now I feel so old! :D
I just smiled like usual. And say, I dunno.. maybe? Later.. haha Owh gosh, now I know what it feels like to some people who the parents kept asking them to get married. Its a pressure..
Well, marriage is not in my dictionary yet but well.. wey, its a life partner we are talking about. The one you live until you die, the one u get married and married to his family as well, the one who will read bedtime stories to your kids.. the one you will love forever and ever.. Of course it took time to find! :D
Moreover, my aunt just talked about her daughters and their men.. and its kinda scary. Cuz sometimes we know that reality bites and it hurts.
So its 10th Ramadhan today.. another 20 to go and 4 Syawal before Bali. :) I wear my old dress today and it fits!!! Even though I ate like a big fat pig, it still fits! And I barely see my tummy wakakakaka LOve it! I just need to work out my big fat arms. Gosh!!! How hard to be a woman hahaha
Well its gonna be a lovely Iftar today, me, li'l Bro and li'l Sis.. maybe Kak Linda will come and join us. Well then, Happy Merdeka, Malaysia. (Not much to talk about Malaysian Independence, though..)

Hushgirl currently listening to : if I were a Boy | Beyonce