I received an Eid SMS from a friend.. who.. well, I dun expect any from him. So it goes like this.. (I know its a forward SMS.. not originally created by him though..).. Sorry it is in Malay.
and So I replied..
the next incident remain secret Ha ha.. but it was QUITE an incident.
anyway, I quite like Hujan's new song Konklusi.. new ke? Ntah..
owh.. I made a baju Raya for Bella Scarlet. Check it here bad picture, anyway.. will snap a new one with digital cam. What else.. owh the Wix kad Raya.. :) well, that was me last raya with my baby cousin.. the second youngest cousin, Zarifah :)
Hushgirl currently listening to : Konklusi | Hujan
Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi, Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa, Dalam kelembutan lidah ada juga ketelanjuran kata, Dalam gurau dan senda tentu ada khilaf dan dosa.. "MOHON AMPUN DAN MAAF DI ATAS SEGALANYA" Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri bersama keluarga tersayang
and So I replied..
wow! do u meant that?
the next incident remain secret Ha ha.. but it was QUITE an incident.
anyway, I quite like Hujan's new song Konklusi.. new ke? Ntah..
owh.. I made a baju Raya for Bella Scarlet. Check it here bad picture, anyway.. will snap a new one with digital cam. What else.. owh the Wix kad Raya.. :) well, that was me last raya with my baby cousin.. the second youngest cousin, Zarifah :)
Hushgirl currently listening to : Konklusi | Hujan