I feel like to blog about my Bali dreams :)
The trip was shared by me, my li'l sister and my bestfriend, Zai. Went there on the 5th of Syawal, 25th September. Our flight was scheduled to be departed on 9:50 am and that night before, Zai slept over and we had nasi lemak at Old Town and I was wondering how do we got to wake up at 5! Ha ha but thankfully, during the dinner Zai received a call from Triways telling us the our flight will be delayed to 12:05 noon. So we were relieved. So that morning we werent rush that much, Mom drove us to KL Sentral and around 10 am we were boarding ERL to KLIA. Cost for ERL was MYR35 per trip. Turned out the KLIA Express to KLIA were as much as KLIA Transit fare to KLIA. So we could not save on that. The smartest and greenest journey took 28 minutes.
We tried to check in online but only to find out our status is stand-by. Freaked out a bit... scared our ticket in on standby.. Cant be happenning!!! Well, its actually cuz of the flight delayed and we had to check in manually... That means, long Q! Later while waiting for our boarding pass, the ticketing girl said something like 'Well well you guys got to treat me!' Ha ha.. we then got to know we had the business class ticket. Whoa so lucky..! Since this is our 1st abroad trip on ourselves, we got pretty excited! ha ha
The plane flew at 12:15 sharp. The journey took around 2 and 1/2 hours to get to Ngurah Rai Aiport, in Denpasar. Had a nice spanish omelette for brunch and yes talking about business class.. the good old warm face towel kekekek.. Talking about on board, I just hate one of the cabin crew, I think he is too old to be a crew, not good looking, not masculine, a little snobbish and he made me felt a bit disgusted hah! One crew lady was really friendly to us, and even gave us some travel tips and where to go in Bali. I forgot her name though but thats the good one. The International Ngurah Rai Airport was just near the sea and when the plane was landing, it felt like landing on the water. The visa checking was a bit smooth since we were Malaysia and we didnt need Visa on Arrival. Hence the smooth and non busy queues.
We arrived at the Arrival gate around 3 pm something. Tried to search for the rep from Kuta Beach Club but couldnt find any. Later around 20 mins, some guy came to us. Introduced himself as Pak Agus. Its kinda funny how he could find us ha ha We were actually had some time discussing on the travel tour and to wait for other hotel customers. The arrival gate was a bit hectic but the hotel rep of Hard Rock Hotel got to be the most attractive.. not because of his striking orange shirt but, cuz he looked like Malay. Seriously!!!! Our driver was Pak Ingah, and he drove us to the Hotel which were actually 15 minutes away. But the road was so jammed!! Since the weather was really really nice... Pak Ingah suggested that we should go for dinner in Jimbaran. Just the the cabin crew suggested. So we agreed. I was actually imagined the Seafood place like in Umbai or so ha ha. So we met Pak Dani, the GM. :) We settled the check in and registration and headed to our Room, 288 ;)

To get to Jimbaran took around 40 minutes. We were out of hotel around 5:30 pm. Thank God the traffic was not that jammed. And along the way, we saw so many surf shops Hah!! and I saw one called Surfer's Paradise.. so Excited to go there ha ha and on the way also, we saw few shops that sell the garden stuff. You know all the garden stuff.. The Balinese style thing. I got a thinking that if Ma and Babah saw those, they would drop by and check it out ha ha So, we were at Jimbaran as last. The restaurant looked pretty damn cool! Well it got to be so so cool when we walked outside and saw the seating on the beach! And a perfect sunset! OMG!!! truly amazing. It felt like the Ibiza Dreams!! Ha ha ha ... the dinner was perfect and we had simple dish only cuz it was kinda expensive but hey... for once, we need to spend and try it out right!!! So we had grilled red snapper and fried cumi :) Cumi = squid / calamari. And we had rice for 3, peanuts for snack.. so good! Kangkung for veggie and those 4 dip. Very very hot and good. I am so gonna miss Bali for their thick soy souce.. too good to tell! I sms-ed my mom and told her it would be very very nice if she were there. =) From the dinner place, we could see the Airport on our right and the Dreamland on our left. The Dreamland reminds me of the Laguna Beach series on MTV. Owh the dinner costs Rp375,000.

After the dinner, went to get some souvenirs and spent almost Rp 1 mill huhuhu :D gosh so kaya!!! ha ha I got myself a mini djembe :D Back in hotel, went walking in Kuta Town and couldnt help to get our thirst cooled down with Starbucks drinks in Discovery Mall. :D My favourite Iced Caramel Macchiato was priced Rp45,000 for grande.

to be cont'd ok... spending good old moment now :)
Hushgirl currently listening to : jelly n Fish | Cafe Del Mar volumen Cinco
After the dinner, went to get some souvenirs and spent almost Rp 1 mill huhuhu :D gosh so kaya!!! ha ha I got myself a mini djembe :D Back in hotel, went walking in Kuta Town and couldnt help to get our thirst cooled down with Starbucks drinks in Discovery Mall. :D My favourite Iced Caramel Macchiato was priced Rp45,000 for grande.
to be cont'd ok... spending good old moment now :)
Hushgirl currently listening to : jelly n Fish | Cafe Del Mar volumen Cinco