Wet Blanket when I was out of world wide web "life" for like a week, I was OK. But I know I missed something, and when I back logged on, I knew what I missed. it was RAYWILLIAMJOHNSON :D I dunno why, but there is something with him. Maybe the way he talks, his face mimic? I dunno.. but I know he could be a good comic. just sayin'... and sometimes I just cant understand Americana, but I understand him : Loud and Clear. I think he is a good catch. ok, 1 more characteristic for the man of my dream : FUNNY. (at least to me :D cuz I know my laughing is amusing ) And one thing about RWJ that I like is that he doesnt actually fishing for trolls. Some people love trolls, trolls actually make their channel / blog / page looks great. The more trolls gathered on your comments post, the more (obviously) hits you have, the famous you are. I know RWJ channel got trolls a lot.. but, I dunno.. he's pretty innocent. Just sayin'! Sale!Sale!Sale! I managed to get few clo...