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Showing posts from June, 2010

Ibiza Dream

Officially I am Team Spain. What a nite! Blast!! See you on Friday. With Love. Amy X. Alonso  (wakakakaka) Hushgirl currently listening to : I wish I could have the whole Cafe Del Mar colleccion on my office PC. Sigh..

Red like Red Velvet Cupcakes

So! You expect me for something like world cup review today? :D Mwahaha. Well, I was delighted when Nana asked me to accompany her to watch NED vs SVK last nite. Cuz I think Slovaks  were worth watching. For sure, Netherlands sure wud win. I mean.. =) But it was rather satisfying when Slovakia at least had their goal. At the very last minute.. although it was The Penalty But it was like movie eh. Last minute goal. Anyway, it will be Spain vs Portugal tonite (tomorrow morning actually). Again at Rasa Sayang.. where else? =) Should I go and buy Spain jersey later? :D ahh nvm. Well, I'm Amylia Van Der Wiel and I approved this message. =) Hushgirl currently listening to : -


Alhamdulillah, me passed :) now can watch tv, can Snap snap.. can hangout at Mamaks sampai lebam. And can continue emo Emo. Hushgirl currently watching : The 1st Shop of Coffee prince

of This and That

:) I just feel like to smile. But there is something that makes me smile today. But then obviously cuz I will sit for an exam tomorrow and still blogging today. Ala chill la.. its not SPM ke apa kan. If you flunk it just pay it.  Wey.. 300 boleh beli sepasang Clarks ok! Or a nice blue jersey of Brasil. ;) If I buy one, I would want to bedazzle it. Anyway, yea exam tomorrow. Friday was working like usual. After office, felt like to hang out at Starbucks Pavi but my dear Zai was hungry and nothing interesting to eat in Pavi ( actually we were bored of that place :D ) so we went walking to Sushi King at Low Yatt. Endep up with Don! Aiyak... But it was ok I guess, after dinner we walked to Hang Tuah station. Thats what I love hangin out with Zai, we both walk a lot. When I reached home, slept until midnite. Thought of studying, but NOPE :D set the alarm at 4 am. And started studying at 4. Its magic cuz I finished reading for 10 chapters at one go :D huahuahauhau At 9 am, ge...

# 350 : of Everything

Wet Blanket when I was out of world wide web "life" for like a week, I was OK. But I know I missed something, and when I back logged on, I knew what I missed. it was RAYWILLIAMJOHNSON :D I dunno why, but there is something with him. Maybe the way he talks, his face mimic? I dunno.. but I know he could be a good comic. just sayin'... and sometimes I just cant understand Americana, but I understand him : Loud and Clear. I think he is a good catch. ok, 1 more characteristic for the man of my dream : FUNNY. (at least to me :D cuz I know my laughing is amusing ) And one thing about RWJ that I like is that he doesnt actually fishing for trolls. Some people love trolls, trolls actually make their channel / blog / page looks great. The more trolls gathered on your comments post, the more (obviously) hits you have, the famous you are. I know RWJ channel got trolls a lot..  but, I dunno.. he's pretty innocent. Just sayin'! Sale!Sale!Sale! I managed to get few clo...

Big Day

Dorothy Perkins Members Sale Today :)                also for Topman / Topshop and Miss Selfridge Hushgirl currently listening to : What Do You Want From Me Adam Lambert For Your Entertainment

Amy Morello part 2 and Finale

I came out with the name Morello when I got this friend request from a boy in Bandung. Our mutual liking is Silverchair. Silverchair is my fave band and turned out the factor that made me wanna add me into his friendlist. I dun normally added people that I dont know, but he is the exception. Cuz he posted a nice YouTube link - the song by Rage Against The Machine - No Shelter. And I played it, I havent listen to RATM since 2000.  That nite I listened to RATM back and I was like reborn. I feel like the same old girl 12 years ago. Where has she gone all this while? Damn.. I felt like losing myself and I realized that I am Lost. Who am I? I missed that cool girl. I really am. The girl who would nickname herself as Amy Morello cuz she finds Tom Morella is the greatest guitarist ever. Damn that girl is cool. She knows whats great and whats good to like. I dunno whats eating me. Having to follow my emotional rather than something logical is something I regret now. Sometimes Love just...

Amy Morello part 1

I am not really in the mood of writing long entry but I missed blogging so much. Thanks to Streamyx for the network restoration. My Internet was down since Tuesday and I know its like a week of darkness. But things happened right, cable blew out and its not the end of the world. Chill la. When I was calling them and complaint, the cc officer apologized many times for the interruption. I was like, hey its not even your fault :D So, I just update la kan? Maybe should update with pictures? :) yes, Finally.. Canon EOS 550D not Soccer Happy Father's Day fatness 7 - 0 a decent Room I am now Amazon Associate *** im not selling my blog and not even for  monetize thingy, but wouldnt it be nice to see the album cover image there :D its like my old xanga. Smart eh? Hushgirl currently listening to : No Shelter Rage Against The Machine OST Godzilla

my half

Hushgirl currently listening to : izinkan ku pergi | kaer

Why me Blogging?

*Blogging is a lifestyle, not career* basically its all because i love to write. i could write and write and do rambles all the time. especially that i am not a person who talks a lot. ( that is why i love hang out with people who talk... i am a boring type) i dun talk much. i let my fingers do the talking. anyway, blogging is something i always love since i know what blog means. and its not long to actually grow fond of it. my first blog was this  huhu pretty stupid. it was set up by some guy i was into ( even tho now I thought of it and couldnt believe it myself haha i was such a dork ) then I had my hushgirl@xanga. its no longer here. deleted.. but anyway.. xanga was quite hip at that time and i found a lot of cyber fwens. n yes, my xanga was not bad. but being me.. i dun really like spotlight.. i dun like people to read my content.. no no... i dun mind if people reading my blog. i just dun wanna to know :D so to get things hush and low, i wa...

His and Hers

awwwwwww i wonder who is he missing? Anyway, off to the Wedding!! Hushgirl currently listening to : Inside of You by Infant Sorrow


Tonite Jogoya Buffet Dinner Tomorrow Lunch @ the Wedding and Cupcakes Session @KLCC and Home Dinner Sunday mungkinkah..... Kedai Nasi Kelantan @ Sri Gombak? NOOOOOoooOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo!!!! =) Hushgirl currently listening to : *Wai Chun played Wonder Girls song on the loop.. Crazy!!*

This Is the Story of my Life

very very unInspired. lets do quickie. 1. watched Lagenda Anak Setan in OU. 1st time driving there and it was good. Both driving xperience and the movie. At least the picture was nice, the story was so-so. 2. watched Prince of Persia in GSC Signature The Gardens. All thumbs up. Greatest film of 2010 so far. I wanna be Persian. I would look damn HOT! 3. Mom got herself a nice SE phone. I dunno what it called, im bad at mobile gadgets.. but it is touch screen. Walauweh.. ( I dun like touch screen ) 4. everyday felt tired and stuff, dunno how to study for LOMA this 28th =( die.. 5. planned with the Guys for Jogoya session this friday at Starhill :) Cant wait! 6. I miss beaches.. July to go to PD. Mom's family Day. how Lame! 7. Nana's treat at Tony Roma's Pavilion. Check out our food blog . 8. I had a scary feeling over Tarot card reading.. ngeeeee 9. No regrets. Hushgirl currently listening to : Love Hurts by Incubus

Turn around, Bright Eyes.

a week of being 30. people kept asking what it feels like to be 30? honestly, I thought more about the wrinkles on my face and how I would look like if I turned 40 more than everything. Other than that, I thought about when will I put on the hijjab back and stuff. Marriage? hm.. I dun think I would ever have one. I dunno. Damn this song is really sad. Turnaround bright eyes.. Every now and then I fall apart Hmm.. many things happened this week. Keep me wonder.. I had some friendship rebound this week. Only cuz there was heart been broken. Its kinda weird to have someone 20 years older than me pouring his sadness to some childish girl like me. Maybe he only wanna share, only that I know that I am still have good ears. I listened and sometimes I gave good realistic, logical advice. Its sad to hear love is broken each day... everybody should be in love, with love. and when It came to my turn, I was the same person of myself. The person who still dont know how to say out loud...

No Pink Tie

:D so goin to meet my fave saxophonist tonite :D @ No Black Tie. Cant wait! Hushgirl currently listening to : -

A House is Not a Home

Everytime I completed watching gLee, I'd always wanted to write a review or at least to share what I felt after watching one. Cuz gLee is full with drama and the songs are so gLee!! Tonite was not devastated. Nearly satisfying.. really admired the bad reputation Rachel  put into her soul ha ha and of course the hot video of Sue and Olivia Newton John :D hot hot.. but you know what I loved most, whenever Brittany made her dumb face. :D huhu If I were a guy, I would turn on. :D I kinda like the metaphor on the song Total Eclipse of My Heart.. nearly touched, but starworld aired the last week clip of One Less Bell to Answer / A House is not a Home. I love both songs.. they collaborated the songs magically.. touched my heart and my soul esp the first one. But all I do is cry (Cry, cry, no more laughter) Oh, I should be happy (Oh, why did he go) I only know that since he left my lifes so empty Gosh... this is one sad song. the lyrics got me, completely. :( The truth is, my...


Kiehl's Rare Earth Deep Pore cleanser is WOW!!! Hushgirl currently listening to : -