I came out with the name Morello when I got this friend request from a boy in Bandung. Our mutual liking is Silverchair. Silverchair is my fave band and turned out the factor that made me wanna add me into his friendlist. I dun normally added people that I dont know, but he is the exception. Cuz he posted a nice YouTube link - the song by Rage Against The Machine - No Shelter.
And I played it, I havent listen to RATM since 2000. That nite I listened to RATM back and I was like reborn. I feel like the same old girl 12 years ago. Where has she gone all this while? Damn.. I felt like losing myself and I realized that I am Lost. Who am I?
I missed that cool girl. I really am. The girl who would nickname herself as Amy Morello cuz she finds Tom Morella is the greatest guitarist ever. Damn that girl is cool. She knows whats great and whats good to like.
I dunno whats eating me. Having to follow my emotional rather than something logical is something I regret now. Sometimes Love just blind us and its done more than blinding me, it makes me stupid. Like a very mother fucking stupid. But Im glad (at least) I am NOT that stupid.
Well that just some ramblings.
The real thing is that I am at home. Having a high fever, but managed to think straight. I caught my man with his lies again. What a liar. What a sicko. Sometimes I just think that, what have I done to deserve this. Specifically what I have done to him? To deserve this. I thought I were super nice to him. Actually I am super nice to anybody. To all.
So what is this? Karma? some Girls broke his heart and the impact is my Heart? Isnt that fair?
No its not.
So I am the "Amy Morello" again. Who super nice to everybody and everybody is super nice to HeR.
delete from tbl_memories
where strcategory='Love'
and dtcreated >= '16-MAY-2003'
and dtcreated <= '23-JUN-2010';
and I will live happily ever after.
note : was on Skype with the girls just now, Feels like making a vlog.
Hushgirl currently listening to : Pulp Fiction OST
And I played it, I havent listen to RATM since 2000. That nite I listened to RATM back and I was like reborn. I feel like the same old girl 12 years ago. Where has she gone all this while? Damn.. I felt like losing myself and I realized that I am Lost. Who am I?
I missed that cool girl. I really am. The girl who would nickname herself as Amy Morello cuz she finds Tom Morella is the greatest guitarist ever. Damn that girl is cool. She knows whats great and whats good to like.
I dunno whats eating me. Having to follow my emotional rather than something logical is something I regret now. Sometimes Love just blind us and its done more than blinding me, it makes me stupid. Like a very mother fucking stupid. But Im glad (at least) I am NOT that stupid.
Well that just some ramblings.
The real thing is that I am at home. Having a high fever, but managed to think straight. I caught my man with his lies again. What a liar. What a sicko. Sometimes I just think that, what have I done to deserve this. Specifically what I have done to him? To deserve this. I thought I were super nice to him. Actually I am super nice to anybody. To all.
So what is this? Karma? some Girls broke his heart and the impact is my Heart? Isnt that fair?
No its not.
So I am the "Amy Morello" again. Who super nice to everybody and everybody is super nice to HeR.
delete from tbl_memories
where strcategory='Love'
and dtcreated >= '16-MAY-2003'
and dtcreated <= '23-JUN-2010';
and I will live happily ever after.
note : was on Skype with the girls just now, Feels like making a vlog.
Hushgirl currently listening to : Pulp Fiction OST