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OK. This is for real!


Tak jadi la nak shut down this blog. =) Huhu. I admit, I was really down with life couple of days ago and I decide to stop this and that. Still, owh.. 

Just now, I googled my own nickname Hushgirl and how much I grew up with the nickname, I got a bit.. I dunno.. emotional a bit. So I signed out from my new blogger, and signed in as hushgirl. It was a relief. This is it. This is me. 

I just love my weekend. Started with my friday nite with period pain, my hottest lips and my cuhmelest crush :) He accompanied me through the horror movie ( even only on Skype ) haahaha, do I look funny when I got scared? Is it? :) Then, a rise and shine on Saturday morning, Skype-ing long distance with my bro cousin, a few Saturday night music.. a bit of emo emo session with the Ex. Again, an Ex.. forever an Ex. I wonder if he ever think of me as his Ex. hmm why should I wonder anyway.. hmm mmm

Anyway, im sorry i selalu susahkan you. now u takkan susah lagi ok? God bless.

KFC session with Nana in Giant Batu Caves was tak best!.. Company was ok, tapi the KFC was bah! Ban KFC tu ok!!!! and the KFC actually spoiled the dinner. Mom was making curry mee and it was goooooood. But I was quite full and not really enjoyed it ( ermm.... really? but I think I saw you took 2 bowls.. ) :D

Anyway, the horror flick again. I love October v. much.

yea, that nite we watched the original The Exorcist. Before that I was fb chatting with my old fren, Bro Luke Skywalker,.. hehehe I was his baby Leia Organa .. heheh that was actually the longest time we chatted every since bro Luke married to his very own soulmate. Even got a nice boy now.. not much on catchup each other updates we were talking a lot about his new home in Selayang.. its a townhouse and it was really nice! Anyway back to the horror flick.. ( Luke : Enjoy your fear! Leia : Thanks. May the force be with you.) Well, I wasnt as scared as the 1st time I watched it. Maybe cuz I was immune.. or maybe cuz my ears, my eyes covered with the comforter most of the time. haha I dunno.. Nana was doing fine, she saw 'The Joker' look and went straight to la la land. Hope she got a good sleep tonite =D

okie.. and the breakfast was good. After that, early morning to Jalan TAR. Accompanied mom to get some clothes in Euro Moda and owh yeah, mom bought some silks ( well one of those was this cloth I was browsing through and thought the silk was nice.. I didnt tell her to get one.. but then she went to the rack and decided to get one.. ) I was like shocking la. Mom really has same taste like mine huhu no wonder we fight a lot. :D

Anyway, I got my "kain" also. It was beaded chiffon with satin silk and its kinda baju kawen2 la :D huhu. And the color was this deep brownish purple. One of my color pick of wedding stuff. Not mine la.. Mine is off white, no doubt. So the SA excited when I tried the clothes on cuz she from the start duk sibuk suruh I get my own. Isk.. and recommended me to get it done as kurung moden. Wuuu... kena diet la mcm ni. and Since this clothes were so meant to Zai's little function next year.. I got couple of months to get a nice measurement.. and yes Cik Zai, we're on this thing together.. marilah berdiet. :D

Hushgirl currently listening to : Interstate Love Song
Stone Temple Pilots

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