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snap, blog and whut?

owh yea im back with vengeance!

too bad Pahang lost the game to Johor FC.. ahh bummed.
no i didnt watch the game, was it on telly? :D

erm ermm orang Johor sure happy kan? kan?

anyway today I finally went out after office to Low yat Plaza just for some handphone survey. Nope, i dun intend to buy one but just to cuci mata bak kata orang! =) But yea, I felt for htc Snap or the cikai Nokia E5 and guess what? I saw a nice Nokia C3 in shocking pink.

I mean, the pink like Sex and The City pink!
And its 499 in Nokia store and 470 in cikai store.
and its non-touch screen and qwerty keypad and its PINK!

=) and 500, man I can buy it next gaji.
my SE still functional apa...
its just that the "space" button got a bit weird so when i texting people it goes something lyke this..

"yea meetyou up l8r"

" yea am okwhaddup?"

" no i
dun miss you"

=) my sis hates it. I dunno what other people think. I dun text much. recently.

anyway... the C3 thingy has only 2 mp and my current hp is 2 mp also.. but I learned that my SE captured nicer pics than Nokia usually.. i dunno.. thats what people said. My sis said to me 'why you care much about camera on the phone since you have 18 mp EOS?'

hell No! the cam on my current SE has been berbakti much to me. not everytime i loved to carry my big bulky camera anywhere.. ( even my old Ixus felt bulky to me :D ) so I used my phone most of the time :D
my SE ada flight mode .. tepon lain ada? i dunno..
but its useful though for ppl who hate flying like me. 

"cantek bag ni? nak beli?"

the night i was so lonely and i did this after watching
prince of persia movie. :D my eyes looked pelik, agree?

i used my no-brand shades in the kitchen..
when i had to do the onions!
fugLee! but i swear i felt like princess leia masa tu..
i know im so vain!
not Porn. Sumpah! anyway, this is my 1st mobile blog pics.
my SE can snap and blog, Nokia c3 boleh?

raya Dress this year, yes awak nampak biru!

budak takde keje and too lonesome. isk!
ye, gunalah camera phone anda utk capture crazie moment..
..or.. demam moment..achoo!
muka demam and mms pic for .. 'ala shiannye ..' =)
the last time I hugged you, you were Oranje.
Owh yea, for memories.. and a profile pic!
for crazy moment again..
oopsss camera phone takder image stabilizer :D
this is during last year Eid and i was back from the cemetery, hence the tudung =)
tudung from Dubai.. very the IIU hehe
some kucing scared of the bulky camera and the flash..
but camera phone always could be something in disguise.. this cat named Emmett :D
everytime I walked into bookstores with hole in my pocket,
i captured the interesting books with my phone cam so i could buy it the next visit...
well, i never bought one though :D

ye saya nonton Magika sebab saya KRU posse and I almost movie, popcorn and sn00z....

my Tragedy October

its 2 mp but you still can see the melted caramel inside the muffin, cant you? :D
ahhh.. nuff said, nuff said..  i'm keeping the phone.
unless my heart terbuka for the htc wildfire.. :D huhu well, thats a different story.

its 0112 hrs and i still not sleep. yep, espresso night tonite.

Hushgirl currently listening to : Suara Alam by Dewa 19

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