Morning ~ Breakfast
1 hr massage training
a glass of water before shower
1 plum
1 slice of honey dew
small glass of milk
~ in between meals snack ~
1 slice of honey dew
plain water
Noon ~ Lunch
plain water
1 medium size royal gala apple
1 medium size pear
1 slice honey dew
1 hr massage training
a glass of water before shower
1 plum
1 slice of honey dew
small glass of milk
~ in between meals snack ~
1 slice of honey dew
plain water
Noon ~ Lunch
plain water
1 medium size royal gala apple
1 medium size pear
1 slice honey dew
~ in between meals snack ~
1 slice of honey dew
plain water
Late Eve ~ Dinner
small plate of fried beehoon ( leftovers)
more plain water
some notes :
am not really proud of myself for eating the fried beehoon. It just that cuz its in the freezer and the temptation is there. but i dun think of the day 1 as a failure, its just a starter and i know it will be better the next upcoming days.
though i was booked for 3 weddings this weekend, i dont know how my 7-day diet would be like
its depressed to just think about it.
ahh well
so, yea i felt good today when i had more fruits than ever!! i felt like my tummy is cleansed and detox. its kinda feel good moment when you had only fruits but you managed to go to the loo. well, not bad at all! i didnt get the chance to have 10 glasses of water.. i was so tired to go to the bathroom and back. I had to pass by Mr Tikus's cube and i hate it!
i know he might not actually realized me passing by, but it felt like it? i used to be in my not good mood, so i kept walking in front of his cube to get my prints and to go to toilet n stuff, with sour face. after a few times, he walked to me and said why the long face.
startled a bit la. never know he perasan.
owh yea, we had fight last thursday. hmm.. yes, nagging guy annoyed me. one time, its cute. two times, we thought he cared. three times, ok its annoying.
and its more annoying when i know he didnt nag cuz of anything, he just played me.
so the friday morning, he greeted me hello and i totally ignored him. he tried 3 times, so i finally smiled to appreciate his efforts. then i was so glad i had the training so i dont have to see his face. but i did! after the training when i got back, he was still in his cube.
and this morning, he came to my cube and asked about something. i talked to him professionally.
and that would be for the rest of my tenure.
anyway, cant wait for the 2nd day. its Greens day.. and i have a chance for boiled potatoes for bkfast. yay! actually prepared it few minutes ago. it was nice!!
till then, tomorrow! nite nite, love.