its 0322 hours.
i was making a very bad decision. my body was kinda sick n tired, extra long hours of working everyday.. yea i know. but craving for macchiato made me detoured to sooka sentral's starbucks.
had caramel macchiato to go, drank it after dinner around 9pm.
body was tired, slept at 10.
malam masih muda, they says..
0232 wake up... couldnt sleep.
watching this.. the face im longing for.
and i dont expect people will understand me...
love, Amylia
i was making a very bad decision. my body was kinda sick n tired, extra long hours of working everyday.. yea i know. but craving for macchiato made me detoured to sooka sentral's starbucks.
had caramel macchiato to go, drank it after dinner around 9pm.
body was tired, slept at 10.
malam masih muda, they says..
0232 wake up... couldnt sleep.
watching this.. the face im longing for.
and i dont expect people will understand me...
love, Amylia