I simply love my new mobile blog!
1 of the good thing to go for Maxis Post-paid, you get to use the WAP service without even to think so much about the fee :D Well yea it is freaking expensive but when I used my bro's number and it is Post Paid, I got credit limit of RM150 per month. Which mainly used for texting.
I think getting a post paid is better for me since im driving now and God knows what will happened to me ( which mostly I would be alone ) so I need a handphone that alive. Prepaid was a bit OFF to me cuz I am so lazy to top up. And I dun like to top up RM30 or RM60 or even more since I am so goin to use it all before its expiry date.
whatever it is. I really miss my old number. Cant wait to get it alive again.
Actually I was about to say that I enjoy using postpaid cuz I can get connected on my mobile. Mostly to publish a blog post. I dun do much calls apart from my mom, zla, ijai, zai and yes thats all :D My latest bills show that my Data fee is more than my calls fee. Hu hu hu
And now its gonna be more when I started my mobile blog. I simply love it since it is more real-time publishing. Its like whenever I found something interesting, something new about me and I feel like to share, I would just snap it and blog it. Wish now I could get a 5mp handphone hahahah :P
Well.. so, Transformers? =)
Hushgirl currently listening to : I have no idea what song Starbucks is playing.
1 of the good thing to go for Maxis Post-paid, you get to use the WAP service without even to think so much about the fee :D Well yea it is freaking expensive but when I used my bro's number and it is Post Paid, I got credit limit of RM150 per month. Which mainly used for texting.
I think getting a post paid is better for me since im driving now and God knows what will happened to me ( which mostly I would be alone ) so I need a handphone that alive. Prepaid was a bit OFF to me cuz I am so lazy to top up. And I dun like to top up RM30 or RM60 or even more since I am so goin to use it all before its expiry date.
whatever it is. I really miss my old number. Cant wait to get it alive again.
Actually I was about to say that I enjoy using postpaid cuz I can get connected on my mobile. Mostly to publish a blog post. I dun do much calls apart from my mom, zla, ijai, zai and yes thats all :D My latest bills show that my Data fee is more than my calls fee. Hu hu hu
And now its gonna be more when I started my mobile blog. I simply love it since it is more real-time publishing. Its like whenever I found something interesting, something new about me and I feel like to share, I would just snap it and blog it. Wish now I could get a 5mp handphone hahahah :P
Well.. so, Transformers? =)
Hushgirl currently listening to : I have no idea what song Starbucks is playing.