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7 entries to go!

Princess Leia strikes again! haha

Nope, its just that in the office, we are not allowed to us any type or messenger, stand alone or web version. So we ( the developers) tend to be bored and stuff and mis-use the office email to gossip and lepas geram. Just to chat and share stuff, so I came up with the idea of using ipmsg. So we installed and chat there.

Today my screen name is Princess Leia :D quite suprising the boys. Haha I think they like it.

So, hows things?

My boss got a little surgery to remove the appendix and he has to rest like 10 days. So, here I am blogging, not that i have nothing to do but I just.. well killing times :D I just resolved few cases just now, so need some times to relax my mind. Thought of this week gonna be a busy one, but laziness kills me. Since boss is not beside me.. hehe

So I sound cheerful today. Well why not? I was struggling with life yesterday. No, yesterday was ok. Worked smoothly, no sleepy feeling since I slept around 930 the night before and wake up like 530 and feeling so fresh and all. So my Tuesday -day was fine, works fine, colleagues okay, users no complaint, spent time texting session with my greatest man ( im trying to be open and all ) a little teasing n stuff, it was perfectly ok.

Until I got home and lepaks and Mom called and talked about stuff. Did I tell you that my dad has this idea to go jalan2 to Kedah and we all are goin with them. I am like, ok if i refused, I will make a drama so I just take leave and go. Half heartedly. So no complaint. Then my mom was like remembering something and asked me. I was like, what? Turned out my very busybody cousin read my stupid status on my precious facebook and spread news to his parents. I dun get it. My status has nothing to do with him at all and he 'liked' the status. I have no idea why it has to be such a big issue. I was just foolin' around. And even if the status is for real, it really has nothing to do with him.

I just dun get it. It was him that really pissed off with nosy behavior of my other aunts/ uncles.. turned out dia pun sama. The blood in your vein mmg genetically busybody lah! Duh.

Knowing me, I got so emo I was like thinking to delete my fb or to put up status and tagged his name and stated something like 'whats ur problem?' or to remove him from friendlist or to call/sms him and confront him. Ok I know I am emotion.

So I sigh. I ended the conversation with my mom and texted few people.

I just want to share and have some opinion.

Luckily I was goin to meet Nana. So just when I got into the car, I burst everything to her. I thought I was the only one who emo, but when I looked at her in shock, I knew it wasnt me alone. Damn right? Some of the moment we were like speechless and looked at each other and said 'kan??' and agreed, 'kan!!'

but in the end, I didnt do anything. Just leaving some quite controversial status and comment chat with Nana on my wall. its nothing actually for people who dont care. i thought my humble and not-so-friendly behaviour all this while wont really attract people on my affairs. but he actually quite interested. owh well, we cant control people.

maybe i need a little talk with my dad. so that he wont hear it from my uncle.

seriously at this moment, i really feel like to quit my job, sell my car and further my studies far far far away.

How that statement can be so controversial, you tell me?

Hushgirl currently listening to : -

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