Am I a gay cuz I never know any girl who listen to David Bowie :D
Ha ha ha. Shallow. Maybe I am too young to listen to David Bowie when I was in school. I have too much guys influence. Thank God, I am no tomboy or pengs or lez or Ellen :D
Though I didnt listen to David Bowie as much as other 60's / 70's rock n roll band. Just a little bit. To me Bowie is more Brit-pop kinda guy. And I love him! ( gosh Now I know I do secretly fancy super slim guys :D ) I first discovered David Bowie when I read my mom music magazine and there were a coverage of his wedding with the black supermodel Iman. Neither do I know Iman, but being a 12 year old kid, I was really fancy to see a white guy married a black girl. She was a muslim as far as I could remember though. And I still remember his kid was cute :D
Back then, some of my favourite Bowie's song were Ziggy Stardust, Let's Dance and of course.. Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes!!!! Ha ha Love it.. it is so pop! Heavy music with a very masculine vocal.
Anyway, last few months I was kinda compiling the world's most depressing song. And on the top 10 I found this Space Oddity. A song by David Bowie, his major breakout anyway. I didnt remember this song, but once I listened to it, I was so so inspired! Thought its the saddest song I ever listen to, the sadness is not direct you know. Its not until you imagine how the story really goes.
Here's the song.
And this is the version I like - from youtube
Hmmmm I was inspired. Im goin to gym now :D
p/s : I am so goin to put Bowie's early image in my dude blog. Later!
p/s 2 : I dedicate this song to you.
Hushgirl currently listening to :
Space Oddity
David Bowie
( very very sad yet inspiring song )
Ha ha ha. Shallow. Maybe I am too young to listen to David Bowie when I was in school. I have too much guys influence. Thank God, I am no tomboy or pengs or lez or Ellen :D
Though I didnt listen to David Bowie as much as other 60's / 70's rock n roll band. Just a little bit. To me Bowie is more Brit-pop kinda guy. And I love him! ( gosh Now I know I do secretly fancy super slim guys :D ) I first discovered David Bowie when I read my mom music magazine and there were a coverage of his wedding with the black supermodel Iman. Neither do I know Iman, but being a 12 year old kid, I was really fancy to see a white guy married a black girl. She was a muslim as far as I could remember though. And I still remember his kid was cute :D
Back then, some of my favourite Bowie's song were Ziggy Stardust, Let's Dance and of course.. Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes!!!! Ha ha Love it.. it is so pop! Heavy music with a very masculine vocal.
Anyway, last few months I was kinda compiling the world's most depressing song. And on the top 10 I found this Space Oddity. A song by David Bowie, his major breakout anyway. I didnt remember this song, but once I listened to it, I was so so inspired! Thought its the saddest song I ever listen to, the sadness is not direct you know. Its not until you imagine how the story really goes.
Here's the song.
Ground Control to Major Tom
Ground Control to Major Tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
Ground Control to Major Tom
Commencing countdown, engines on
Check ignition and may God's love be with you
Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One, Liftoff
This is Ground Control to Major Tom
You've really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare
"This is Major Tom to Ground Control
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today
For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do
Though I'm past one hundred thousand miles
I'm feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Tell my wife I love her very much she knows"
Ground Control to Major Tom
Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you....
"Here am I floating round my tin can
Far above the Moon
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do."
And this is the version I like - from youtube
Hmmmm I was inspired. Im goin to gym now :D
p/s : I am so goin to put Bowie's early image in my dude blog. Later!
p/s 2 : I dedicate this song to you.
Hushgirl currently listening to :

David Bowie
( very very sad yet inspiring song )