Tell me something, what would you think if you see a girl reading this book? :D Ha ha. Anyway this is the book that Nadiah gave me to read just because she thought of me while reading it. Cuz both of us ( me and the girl in the book) blog! Though the girl was an actress and definitely hot, she still thought of me.
So I read it. Even on board. However, when I was holding the book, I did cover up the cover with my hand. Lol. Dont ask me why, I guess you know. But the thing is, I am not that desperate ok :D
When I was reading this book, of course I felt like looking for love. I mean, they all went out for a date and looking forward for a relationship. I used to date a few whom I know I have no future with, or guys who clearly avoid a relationship. I knew I was wrong. Nobody wants something not attached and went out together wasted time and money. I did. And after couple of dates I would feel that I like this guy and I know I cant get him. So I got my heart broken.
So, onwards.. I know if the guy has no future with me, I will avoid to date him. I promised myself not to make any stupid things anymore.
Back to the book, this is a very light reading material. Very Brit-pop kinda book :D Its about a girl who is in my age, and thinking to settle down. One day after being rejected by a guy who told her that he prefer to watch Narnia over a date with him, she realized she would do something to find love.
She started her blog in quest to find love. Indeed she found a few. But who knows the more you travel for love, Its actually right in front of you. ( the book website)
I simply love this very unexpected ending. ( though I kinda expected it. I got 6th sense :D )
p/s : one of her ways to get love is through speed dating. Do you think I dare to have one? :D
Hushgirl currently listening to :
not listening to any. Ma is watching Hindi :D