Dan kau
bagaikan sang mentari
menyinari kehidupan
gelap malam kini terang
tiada lain ku harap
Wah! lately I dunno why I keep listening to Malay song. But ehem, of course the high quality Malay songs :D And that was Pesawat - the song entitled Rasional Emosional.
The Rational Emotional.
So ME!!!
anyway, its been a tough week this week. Of course, its been 3 months now. Ah, so I avoid to write lengthy. Afraid I would go too emotional or writing craps. =) And the most I fear is if I start to bitch about some people. Well i have quite a list of that some people hehe but, well..
Don't give this hate a chance
We've got all this love to give, you know
I was supposed to meet Zai after work. I thought of buying something in Low Yatt and asked her if she wanted to join. Planned to meet up at Wisma Genting since I over heard that Fahrin Ahmad would be in Pavilion this evening. So I was thinking to menyibuk. :D Turned out Zai had to stayback and I waited like 15 minutes until I decided to just go home. There goes my nice dress Zai!!! hahaah I already dressed up for this evening.. I hate your user!!!
Ha ha.. Well, I could proceed on my own, but I dunno recently, I dun feel like walking alone. It just feel sucks. Moreover if dine alone! OMG, Id rather take out and eat alone in front of the telly. Well, sucks.. aint it. And i never go watch movie alone.. I think that sucks big time.. Few people I know survive it.. Some had chance to watch it with a loner bule.. traveller maybe. Sounds great tho, but I dont think I would do that. Movie session, alone?
But the big thing is that, I was avoiding to walk alone in Pavilion cuz I know I might go home with some super sexpensive stuff! I have so much list for me now! Kiehl's body scrub, restart again my Dermalogica skincare, a black dress, Forever 21 tees, new shoes ( I love Crocs purple wedges!!! ) Ahh so much so much so much. i cant afford to list them all as I dun afford to have them all at one time! giler lah!!
Few days later when I was at Harvey Norman with my parents, I was about to ask my mom to buy the epilator for me first ( which later I will install the payment to her ha ha which is.. sometimes never :D my current a 3 years old epilator already fucked out ) Later, I change my mind cuz the models available were 300++ or 500++ I am not goin to show my mom that I would spend that much for an epilator.. She would
To shave my legs with a razor, it feels like sin! I dun like the fake silky feeling after shave. It just not right,.. but.. ahh I need to save up for Tioman trip this May.. hmm I guess I just need to bear with the razor. Hmm..
okie back to the Emo thingy, could we? :D No lah... I think I am feeling OK now. I think, it best this way. I still believe in love, still convinced that I would have one.. in fact, now I feel like in love. Nobody specific, but I dunno.. I just feel loved!
maybe its the song la.. its simple yet perfect!
hmmm to those who choose not to be in love, choose not to believe in love and to love for a wrong reason, well.. u are wasting your time in the world and shame on you!
** spreading the love dust all over you. **
Hushgirl currently listening to :
img song
bagaikan sang mentari
menyinari kehidupan
gelap malam kini terang
tiada lain ku harap
Wah! lately I dunno why I keep listening to Malay song. But ehem, of course the high quality Malay songs :D And that was Pesawat - the song entitled Rasional Emosional.
The Rational Emotional.
So ME!!!
anyway, its been a tough week this week. Of course, its been 3 months now. Ah, so I avoid to write lengthy. Afraid I would go too emotional or writing craps. =) And the most I fear is if I start to bitch about some people. Well i have quite a list of that some people hehe but, well..
Don't give this hate a chance
We've got all this love to give, you know
I was supposed to meet Zai after work. I thought of buying something in Low Yatt and asked her if she wanted to join. Planned to meet up at Wisma Genting since I over heard that Fahrin Ahmad would be in Pavilion this evening. So I was thinking to menyibuk. :D Turned out Zai had to stayback and I waited like 15 minutes until I decided to just go home. There goes my nice dress Zai!!! hahaah I already dressed up for this evening.. I hate your user!!!
Ha ha.. Well, I could proceed on my own, but I dunno recently, I dun feel like walking alone. It just feel sucks. Moreover if dine alone! OMG, Id rather take out and eat alone in front of the telly. Well, sucks.. aint it. And i never go watch movie alone.. I think that sucks big time.. Few people I know survive it.. Some had chance to watch it with a loner bule.. traveller maybe. Sounds great tho, but I dont think I would do that. Movie session, alone?
But the big thing is that, I was avoiding to walk alone in Pavilion cuz I know I might go home with some super sexpensive stuff! I have so much list for me now! Kiehl's body scrub, restart again my Dermalogica skincare, a black dress, Forever 21 tees, new shoes ( I love Crocs purple wedges!!! ) Ahh so much so much so much. i cant afford to list them all as I dun afford to have them all at one time! giler lah!!
Few days later when I was at Harvey Norman with my parents, I was about to ask my mom to buy the epilator for me first ( which later I will install the payment to her ha ha which is.. sometimes never :D my current a 3 years old epilator already fucked out ) Later, I change my mind cuz the models available were 300++ or 500++ I am not goin to show my mom that I would spend that much for an epilator.. She would
To shave my legs with a razor, it feels like sin! I dun like the fake silky feeling after shave. It just not right,.. but.. ahh I need to save up for Tioman trip this May.. hmm I guess I just need to bear with the razor. Hmm..
okie back to the Emo thingy, could we? :D No lah... I think I am feeling OK now. I think, it best this way. I still believe in love, still convinced that I would have one.. in fact, now I feel like in love. Nobody specific, but I dunno.. I just feel loved!
maybe its the song la.. its simple yet perfect!
Tak pernah ku duga
begini oh rasanya
indah tidak terkata
terbaik dalam mainan cinta
Dan kau
bagaikan sang mentari
menyinari kehidupan
gelap malam kini terang
tiada lain ku harap
Kau yang bernama cinta
punca segala galanya
kau yang bernama cinta
jangan kau persia sia
Dan kau
bagaikan sang pelangi
mewarnai kehidupan
terang jiwa kini cerah
tiada lain ku harap
Tak perlu
kau gusarkan lagi
tak usah mencari
ku ada di sini
hmmm to those who choose not to be in love, choose not to believe in love and to love for a wrong reason, well.. u are wasting your time in the world and shame on you!
** spreading the love dust all over you. **
Hushgirl currently listening to :
img song