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Ayat-Ayat Cinta + A Day in Academy + Baju Raya


After sahur this morning, I sang "We are the Champion" song while cleaning the dishes. My brother sang a long and my sister nagged and asked why I sang that particular song.

I said cuz today is Monday!

Am so not in the mood to go to office today. Though I have to cuz my 1st auto debit program starts today. :) Although its a clone version of the current auto debit program and most of the table design and stuff were done by me. Excellent! Hope things are goin to be great.

I am actually sleepy. I couldnt really sleep last nite. Back from the Academy, my heart did feeling uneasy. I hope I knew whats goin on. But I just tried to ignore it.. maybe cuz the night before I talked to Nabil and kinda told him off everything. The very thing I scared of. I hope he understands though. Whatever for the improvement, things are different now. I am content with my life now, I just need whatever I have now.

and maybe thats why I felt different yesterday, maybe my heart knew that he is no longer would be there. No more lengthy emails just to talk about something around the bush. no More sappy 'Nabil...' text message. No more thinking of sharing my fear and worry to someone I could depend on. I dunno.. He hates me being emo and all, but he was still there.

maybe Thats what my heart felt. I hope thats is it.

Back to the book, I havent finished reading it. Not yet to the part Fahri met Aisha for the match making session. There's a word for that. I cant remember.. somehow I felt planned wedding is sweet and romantic. But yes it is if the couple is open to everything.. their past, their physically built, the attitude and stuff. As for me, I dont wanna involved in planned wedding. I hope I wont. Amin.

I personally adored the character of Maria. I did hope for Fahri to choose Maria instead of Aisha.. but Jodoh is God's secret that we will never unLock. When Fahri married Aisha, I was like Maria. Very depressed, very much in pain.. feeling very hopeless and yes, feeling like my world collapse. Just when Fahri got arrested for the Rape accusation, I felt for Aisha. Her loyalty, her patience, her spirit, her trust. Fahri was known by Aisha by surface. But her trust and devotion were not even shaking when people tried to make her in doubts. I think thats what true love is. How little that you know about your partner, you trust him more than that. No doubts and suspicion. Only trust and devotion.

I adored Aisha for that. I was cried when she let Fahri made Maria halal for him. It was really a sacrifice.

Just like my mom. 

Ahh... sappy Monday morning then..

:) back to my childish real Life.
Went to EOS Academy yesterday. In KLCC. Thats the basic training though. I got my LOL-ed for still using auto mode for some frames.. :D And totally ignored the AV, TV, P and M mode :D huhu so whats the use for DSLR ya. but Hey Im still learning.. :D

I cant wait for the photography practical in group :D You know I used to despise some kids in group and with their bulky dslr and taking pics here and there.. turned out I goin to be one of them :D I know its unCool.. but thats the way to learn. I am really NOT a social person.. but maybe I will join one of the sessions.. especially Night Photography in KL. Wheee ... and yea, there was a nice looking guy in my group :D He accompanied his younger brother. So cute.


I had my baju raya :D Nothing exclusive cuz its ready made. I usually had my kurungs or kebaya or the likes tailored made but I was sulking with the tailor since last raya she didnt keep her promises. So bought some ready made this year, additional to my last raya clothes. Jeez. Had them in Sireh Pinang, Wangsa Walk and I had Barbie Pink kurungs, Purple-y cotton and blue purple chiffon. The blue purple chiffon is out season I think. Its on best buy and very cheap but thats the one I love most. Cuz I look slim it in. Its my first Riau pesak. Syukran, babah :D

Well then thats it. Time to siap siap for Monday morning or maybe just a litle after subuh "Siesta". Ahh.. bestnyer if today is OFF...

i miss my gg :(

Hushgirl currently listening to : -

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