I know to believe in Astrology, Star sign, Zodiac is prohibited in Islam. Its syirik. And I know I am a weak one, its my habit to read it and to get a little bit of inspiration.
However, so far I tried to not to believe it even if it sounded so real. I keep my faith with me. There's one day that my friend said its even prohibited to even read it. So I stop reading.
Its just that I subscribed for the daily reading and I have been ignore it for a while. But tonite I had the email opened and I was a bit of shock.
it reads :
It is so true. I am about to lose my big guy though I know he still loves me and I love him. Its just so complicated. If only I know whats inside his head, but I guess.. what I dont know doesnt hurt. Anyway, I am proud with my decision. Clearly that I love myself and him more than anything. Id take it as no jodoh between us.
I'll have Faizal Tahir to lullaby me good nite and damn, he is an angel.
biarkan berlalu
semua kepedihanmu
lelapkan matamu
biarkan mimpi membawa mu
kemana kau mahu
selamat malam
tidurlah sayangku
siang 'kan tiba bercahaya
bermula baru
semua untukmu
biarkan berlabuh
tirai kisah semalam
yang indah itu ada padamu
dengan setiap impian dan harapan
kan ku menjadi arjuna dalam mimpi mimpimu
kan ku panah tepat ke jiwamu atas nama cintaku
pari pari ku utus bawa kau ke sini lagi
terhapus semua airmata dengan senyuman
selamat malam sayang
selamat malam kasih
selamat malam sayang
tidurlah sayangku
* amy is very much single now *
Hushgirl currently listening to :
Selamat Malam
Faizal Tahir
However, so far I tried to not to believe it even if it sounded so real. I keep my faith with me. There's one day that my friend said its even prohibited to even read it. So I stop reading.
Its just that I subscribed for the daily reading and I have been ignore it for a while. But tonite I had the email opened and I was a bit of shock.
it reads :
Love matters are frustrating right now, and it seems like you're butting heads needlessly. It's a good time to switch channel and focus on work or domestic matters instead. You'll solve this when you're ready.
It is so true. I am about to lose my big guy though I know he still loves me and I love him. Its just so complicated. If only I know whats inside his head, but I guess.. what I dont know doesnt hurt. Anyway, I am proud with my decision. Clearly that I love myself and him more than anything. Id take it as no jodoh between us.
I'll have Faizal Tahir to lullaby me good nite and damn, he is an angel.
biarkan berlalu
semua kepedihanmu
lelapkan matamu
biarkan mimpi membawa mu
kemana kau mahu
selamat malam
tidurlah sayangku
siang 'kan tiba bercahaya
bermula baru
semua untukmu
biarkan berlabuh
tirai kisah semalam
yang indah itu ada padamu
dengan setiap impian dan harapan
kan ku menjadi arjuna dalam mimpi mimpimu
kan ku panah tepat ke jiwamu atas nama cintaku
pari pari ku utus bawa kau ke sini lagi
terhapus semua airmata dengan senyuman
selamat malam sayang
selamat malam kasih
selamat malam sayang
tidurlah sayangku
* amy is very much single now *
Hushgirl currently listening to :

Faizal Tahir