I have a regular menses. So far.
And like most of us, girls.. I do have PMS. The so called Pre-menstruation syndrome.
(it really happen ok, not us making excuse)
So many guys mistakenly think girls got PMS during the menses, they are wrong. PMS is before the menses. Like me, it usually 1 week before my due. And my symptoms group in 2, physical syndrome and mental syndrome.
Usually it takes turn, but sometimes unfortunately I wud have both. Which is really really uncomfortable and inconvenient. Some of my regular symptoms are :
1. Sore n tender breasts
2. Tummy cramp
3. Sore on my back
4. Bad armpit smell (just noticed this happened recently)
5. Cramp at you-know-where area
1. Depression
2. Feeling lazy and tiredness (state of mind)
3. Bad Temper
4. Feeling of inferiority complex
5. High appetite.
Today is 11th, my due is 17th. Around that, obviously its my PMS week. Some of the mental syndrome has already started. Just last nite, back from the gym, I ate almost 3 plates of fried rice my sister left for me. It was 10 pm and I was having dinner and its a lot! I was a real slobbish no guys would turn on to. Ha-ha but I know its the PMS. I got full of course but inside I still famished. Owh!!
And this morning I had Mercy choc-candy as my breakfast. OMG?
Yesterday, my big guy had my psychopath sms :D I never got psycho with him, that was the first time. And that was the 1st time he ever said Sorry. First time ok! I see his humbleness now. It's amusing!
though I really really really am missing him. =( I hate it
Sometimes I just hoping that something dun really come up if it doesnt stay. You know. Stop playing with my heart. Its fragile and weak. It may look tough and unconquerable but it's fragile like a crystal. It breaks !!
ok what I am blabbering about.
The thing is, I am having my PMS and I miss him and work sucks and system sucks and my users suck ( though one is really really good looking, Syukran ) and..
yeah.. I hate everybody. You and you and YOU!
ok back to work now. FOCUS!
p/s : I shud color my hair RED to reflect my RAGE!
Hushgirl currently listening to :
And So I Know
Stone Temple Pilots
Tiny Music..
raging la sangat.. lagu tangkap leleh :P
And like most of us, girls.. I do have PMS. The so called Pre-menstruation syndrome.
(it really happen ok, not us making excuse)
So many guys mistakenly think girls got PMS during the menses, they are wrong. PMS is before the menses. Like me, it usually 1 week before my due. And my symptoms group in 2, physical syndrome and mental syndrome.
Usually it takes turn, but sometimes unfortunately I wud have both. Which is really really uncomfortable and inconvenient. Some of my regular symptoms are :
1. Sore n tender breasts
2. Tummy cramp
3. Sore on my back
4. Bad armpit smell (just noticed this happened recently)
5. Cramp at you-know-where area
1. Depression
2. Feeling lazy and tiredness (state of mind)
3. Bad Temper
4. Feeling of inferiority complex
5. High appetite.
Today is 11th, my due is 17th. Around that, obviously its my PMS week. Some of the mental syndrome has already started. Just last nite, back from the gym, I ate almost 3 plates of fried rice my sister left for me. It was 10 pm and I was having dinner and its a lot! I was a real slobbish no guys would turn on to. Ha-ha but I know its the PMS. I got full of course but inside I still famished. Owh!!
And this morning I had Mercy choc-candy as my breakfast. OMG?
Yesterday, my big guy had my psychopath sms :D I never got psycho with him, that was the first time. And that was the 1st time he ever said Sorry. First time ok! I see his humbleness now. It's amusing!
though I really really really am missing him. =( I hate it
Sometimes I just hoping that something dun really come up if it doesnt stay. You know. Stop playing with my heart. Its fragile and weak. It may look tough and unconquerable but it's fragile like a crystal. It breaks !!
ok what I am blabbering about.
The thing is, I am having my PMS and I miss him and work sucks and system sucks and my users suck ( though one is really really good looking, Syukran ) and..
yeah.. I hate everybody. You and you and YOU!
ok back to work now. FOCUS!
p/s : I shud color my hair RED to reflect my RAGE!
Hushgirl currently listening to :
And So I Know
Stone Temple Pilots
Tiny Music..
raging la sangat.. lagu tangkap leleh :P