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Kiss my Lips

Left office sharp at 6 pm today. :D Ngeee... Before I left, there was some exciting moment at my cubes. Beside me was my AM or to some people Section Head. I think he got a problem with high blood pressure. So every hours, he checked his BP with the BP monitoring tool. Around 3 pm, he checked and it was quite normal. Maybe above normal but he didnt sigh or yelling. Around 5 pm, the PM came to our territory as she found out one of our colleagues is taking leave on the last day before CNY. She was madly said that she scheduled something on that day and expected my colleague would be around. My AM was pissed cuz she didnt plan the activities ahead and always making chaos on anything that she thinks would delay the project. My AM asked her to conduct the discussion earlier, she said no cuz the bloody vendor is not prepared. So my AM was getting really pissed, he said why the PMO always on the bloody vendor
side. You know, the issue was there, the user know about it, why not conduct the discussion now? Whats the issue? Its just that the vendor is not prepared with material so the discussion is postponed to some day which unfortunately IT reps wont be around and that the PMO will take as the reason of project delay. Thats bloody unfair. I heard my AM sighed. Its always unfair.. PMO always on vendor side and never pushed the vendor to follow PMO schedule. The vendor always off track and always makes IT to be 'there' last minute. And whenever IT came out with excuse ( come on.. we have other supports too dont we? ) PMO will always saying that IT didnt cooperative enough. Thats bloody unfair.

A weak project always run by a weak PMO. So you think its easy to be in PMO?

** anyway, PMO is Project Management Office. The middleman between developer and user, in simple definition. But its hell more than that.

After yelling and sighing and pissing off each other butts, my AM took out the BP gadget and started checking. Its 157/85. Bloody high!!! Definitely he was so pissed!! I told him maybe he didnt get enough rest.. he didnt sleep as his 2nd baby cried out everynite around 2 to 4. Tough!!

Back to the subject, I went to Sogo with the li'l sis today. We watched the Oldtown commercial on egg noodles promotion and decided to try out. The Oldtown in CIMB building.. good place to meet random office bankers :D Anyway, before leaving for Oldtown, li'l sis saw this perfume promotion for V-day. Hmmm and she decided to get herself a perfume. She got the Magnifique by Lancome. Along with the package is the lip gloss with shimmer and pink tint. Of course, she gave it to me. She denied to own all the pink stuff :D

So I got my early valentine's present. Yay :D I love Lancome lip gloss as it is friendly to my lips. I got a super sensitive pair of lips and cant simply wear any lips product. I do not own any lipstick but this the top 5 of a few lips product that I love.

1. Estee Lauder Pure Color Crystal Gloss
2. Benefit Pocket Pal
3. Benefit : Pink to please a woman pallete
4. Kiehl's Lip Balm
5. Body Shop Lip Scuff

Till then.. read kiss my lips ;) im late for my bed!!

Hushgirl currently listening to :
-- none.

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