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Showing posts from May, 2014


34 Im in Gili Air with my mom. She is very lucky.  My wish is to have a daughter like me. Maybe with a pair of blue eyes. Thank you Allah. 

aMAYzing Month, no?

Heyya we meet again. Come to think of this, i think i cant live without my blog. Having to be emotional over something which obviously wont response is really my thing. This is why i love Brandon Boyd.  Im thinking other social media are really against me since im in my emo, very emotional state. Could it be the birth planning pill that i currently taking it. Yes, maybe. No, maybe not. See how true am i here? Do you think i would update my status on fb about the pill im taking now, or to post a pic of the pills on my instagram?  Call me a hypocrite but i am not. Not really a mysterious kinda person, i just love keeping the sensitivy of my audience. And by that i mean, i know blogging is ok cuz i dont have any audience. Am i right? Or am i wrong? Im so sick and tired with other social media. Maybe not the media, but the social. At this point of time, my friend just updated her status with - have a great weekend, with your loved ones.  Im like, what if we dont have loved ones cuz nobody