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my Yellow Sunny Dress

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Occay, I have no idea what's happening but a good dream did make your day. I had a very nice dream last nite when a stranger called lover sang me a very lovely poem as a love song. For me!

Of course its just a dream and I have no idea of who, but woke up positively kicked ass! As because of that, I spent too much time in the shower and too slow in searching what to wear, when I fully dressed up, it was already 8!! I was fucking late! And no way I could make it on time. I knew it!!!

So.. I went put on my make up and thought, I should just a day off. I had plenty of chores anyway, I could pay all my bills, pay my car insurance, renew my road tax and bla bla bla. So I sent out 2 text message. 1 to my boss, 1 to my cousin.

I went on a couch. Sitting and thinking. My tummy beggin for food. I grabbed my purse to some money and my handphone, I saw 3 messages. Boss said OK. Nana said something that made me replied back "Mid Valley Jom"

And she said yes. I postponed my breakfast.

Before I got out the house, I texted the Greatest-Man-on-Earth and told him, how amazing he was.

I couldnt believe it untill now.

So, we went to Mid Valley Boulevard paid the insurance n stuff, and off to get my late breakfast. A salty chicken sandwich, an overly caramelized macchiato and a stuck up barista were no a cup of tea for me. Thank God for the good looking man in the suit waited for his coffee ( i hope it wasnt a decaf soy latte ) he made the moment to be not so bad.

After that we had the movie session. We picked Hantu Kak Limah balik Rumah and it wasnt that bad and it wasnt that good also. Though the panggung was full of people, I still wonder if its worth my RM8. Well, ok la kot. Just to support the local scene.

After movie we rushed home to avoid the jam, but before that my boss called me when we walked around Robinsson. Sadly, some error happened, and its fortunate enough I didnt have to come back to work. But he was like expecting me to work tomorrow. So sad cuz the plan to have my koke session with the Greatest-Man-on-Earth ruined :(

Maybe its not destined to be :(
Maybe I should just keep on dreaming...

p/s : the Greatest-Man-on-Earth is Ted Mosby.

change mood : camwhore session.

I have, no.. I had this tee I bought in Forever 21 for my last Bali trip.

When I wore it, my hair was straight. I was like, this gal really me if I got my curls.
and now....

Almost the same aite??? Though I aint that 'Hola' !!!

Owh yeah, I got this very cuhmelest dress in yellow at FOS just now. Its pretty affordable.. and the most important is its yellow and pink!

i swear its a candid pose. :D

I should wear that dress for the koke session :(

p/s : why people eat rabbit?

Hushgirl currently listening to : Linkin Park - What I've Done. ( wtf? )

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